

LG CordZero R9 Wi

使用iSALE代購LG CordZero R9 Wi-Fi Connected Robot Vacuum with Auto-Docking and HEPA Filter 商品,第一筆訂單現折$100,代購費低至1%,還可以賺購物金。

LG Powerful Robotic Vacuum

Get more information on the LG R9MASTER. Click for pictures, reviews, and tech specs for the LG Powerful Robotic Vacuum.


Dimensions: 0.6L · Capacity: 285 x 143 x 330 · Key Feature 1: HEPA Filter · Key Feature 2: Powerful Smart Inverter Motor™.

Experience CordZero R9 ThinQ

Want a robot vacuum that knows when and where to clean, can detect objects in its path and lets you check in on home when you're away? ThinQ can.

LG CordZero™ ThinQ Robotic Vacuum

The robot cleaner utilizes AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology in the Edge and Zigzag modes. The 3D DUAL Eye is included with the 3D camera sensor and 3D ...

CordZero™ ThinQ Robotic Vacuum

LG CordZero™ ThinQ Robotic Vacuum, you can clean your floors – whether you're home or not. Created for truly modern living, our robot vacuum cleaner makes quick ...

Powerful Robotic Vacuum

The LGR9 uses 3D laser instead of physical bumping so it cannot harm furniture. It gives a good deep clean; the full dust caddy & clean floors under bare feet ...